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Contact Lenses

Dr. Randall believes that your eyes are only as healthy as the contacts you wear.

That is why, at Paramount Eye Care, your contact lens exam is tailored around your lifestyle and visual needs.

  • Do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer?
    Perhaps the new Multi-focal contact lenses are right for you. They provide you with the vision you need while being much less dependent on your reading glasses.
  • Are you considering contacts, but only really want them for certain occasions?
    The new 1-day disposable contacts will provide you with great vision at a fraction of the cost. They also work great for people that struggle with allergies or those that don’t want to deal with the hassle of contact lens maintenance.

The easiest way to order contacts online.

Get your contacts shipped directly to your door. It's as simple as 1-2-3.
1. Find your contacts
2. Enter your Rx
3. Checkout
Fast, free shipping on all orders.

Corneal Reshaping Therapy or Orthokeratology may be a another great option if you are apprehensive about LASIK surgery or participate in recreational or work activites that aren’t condusive to contact lens wear.( This includes children!) This technology allows you to wear a contact lens at night that gently reshapes the front surface of your eye so you are free from contact lenses and glasses during the day.

  • Have you been told that you can’t wear contact lenses because of your astigmatism?
    Dr. Randall is an expert in finding a lens that will work for you. Whether it is working with the latest soft contact lens technology or the newest innovation of the Duette lens(gas permeable center and soft skirt) you’ll be surprised at your options.

Regardless of your visual and lifestyle demand, we will find the right contact lens and contact lens regimine that is right for you.

Phone (208) 258-6200
Fax (208) 258-6204

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday 8:30-5pm
Tuesday 10-6pm
4642 N. Penngrove Way
Meridian, ID 83646
We look forward to the opportunity of serving you and your family’s eye care needs. Our commitment is to listen to your concerns and provide you with the most healthy and advanced optical products available.
Call today to schedule your appointment. Early morning or evening appointments are available.
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